Experience at Amal

Mahnoor Farooq
2 min readOct 16, 2020

Somehow Amal fellowship changed my thinking .I wasn’t aware of these kinds of things before the fellowship.

I even don’t know how to talk with people (truth)

we had lots of memories and those memories were a lesson of being self sufficient in life

This is the best investment in my life


I have a display of Amal values in my room which reminds me of Amal because I was sick and hospitalized on that time but I love these values because it shows humility. It’s really important to practice humility in our daily life to develop ourselves a better person or better leader.

humility is really important because it keeps you fresh and new

-Steven Tyler

Growth is all about to keep on putting efforts to learn new skills and abilities that will bring you several opportunities regarding the field.

honesty be honest with your life

responsibility you should responsible of your vision and clear about your life matters

“when there is no vision, people perish”

acceptance : try to understand how people think this accepting approach will lead to conflict resolution and help you build better communication and human resource.

And the other thing I remembered write the gratitude letter of whom you think play a big role in your life . I remember the whole journey from stranger to best people .I meet the best people here the people full of energies and encouragement with full of hopes and 1000 of ideas

wo hoo how can I forgot the life map activity which recalls my whole life in just minutes the comments I received from my fellows is the blessing for me how they encourage and supported me this is one of the best feeling in my life

when this journey starts I feel like I can’t do because of the circumstances but later on , everything was going very smoothly because of happy learning every time our PA and PM appreciate us

discover about myself in this journey

Life is like a puzzle I can relate myself with this quote

“There are powers inside of you which , if you could discover and use , would make you everything you ever dreamed”

Although I m trying hard to fulfill my dreams and one day I’ll do this


